XE.com - Access Error

We have detected a possible attempt to automatically parse and
extract data from our site. Automated extraction of data from
our services is an explicit violation of the Terms of Use
Agreement into which you must enter to access our site.

If you are seeing this message but are not currently visiting
the XE.com site, then the site that you are visiting may be
using our data or services in an unauthorized manner. You can
circumvent this problem by using our service directly:


It is not our intent to block legitimate end-users from the
XE.com site. If you are not attempting extraction, but rather
just visiting our site as usual, we need to hear from you so that
we can investigate this error. Please provide us with your e-mail
address and click on the DIAGNOSE button:

But if you are attempting to extract data from our site, then please immediately cease and desist using our data and services in this manner. We do offer a number of licensing options which allow you to incorporate XE.com currency functionality into your software, websites, and services. For more information, contact us at: XE.com Licensing +1 416 214-5606 licensing @ xe.com You will appreciate that the time, effort and expense we put into creating and maintaining our site is considerable. Our services and data is proprietary, and the result of many years of hard work. Unauthorized use of our services, even as a result of a simple mistake or failure to read the terms of use, is unacceptable. Again, it is not our intention to prevent legitimate use of our site by normal users. If you feel you have received this message in error, then please follow the instructions at the top of this message. Thanks for you attention to this matter. Sincerely, XE.com
(End of Message)