

1.   You have a PHP server.
  1.1. You work with frames.
  1.2. You work without frames.
  1.3. You want to track only the start page (e.g. index.php3).
  1.4. You want to track all PHP files on your server.
2.   You have your files on a server without PHP support but you have another server with PHP support.
  2.1. You work with frames.
  2.2. You work without frames.

1. You have a PHP server.

a) Edit in dir normal, if needed (other languages in dir /languages)
b) Edit statit.php3, statitjs.php3, statitp.php3 in dir normal (set absolut path in require function)
You work with frames or you work without frames.

1.1. You work with frames.

a) Add

<script language="javascript">
document.write("<img width=1 height=1 border=0 src=path/statitjs.php3?1,"+screen.width+","+screen.colorDepth+">");

to a part of your frameset (e.g. menue.html or menue.php3)
b) Add

<?php include "path/statit.php3" ?>

between the body tags in the calling page (e.g. index.php3)
The calling page must be a php page and must be on the same server!
A http:// in path don't work!!!
You want to track only the start page or you want to track all PHP files.

1.2. You work without frames.

a) Add

<script language="javascript">
document.write("<img width=1 height=1 border=0 src=path/statitjs.php3?1,"+screen.width+","+screen.colorDepth+">");
<?php include "path/statit.php3" ?>

between the body tags in the calling page (e.g index.php3).
The calling page must be a php page and must be on the same server!
A http:// in path don't work!!!
You want to track only the start page or you want to track all PHP files.

1.3. You want to track only the start page (e.g. index.php3).

a) Edit in dir normal: Set $statp = "off";
b) Set $vcount = "on" if you want a visible counter NEW NEW NEW
c) Create a sub-directory (e.g. stat)
d) Chmod sub-directory to 733
e) Upload the files from dir normal to sub-directory (image files in BINARY mode, other files in ASCII mode)
f) Chmod log files to 733
g) If you update from older version run update.php3 to change file format in stat.log!
h) Run statistik.php3 to show statistic of your website!

1.4. You want to track all PHP files on your server.

a) Edit Set $statp = "on";
b) Set $vcount = "on" if you want a visible counter NEW NEW NEW
c) Add

<?php include "path/statitp.php3" ?>

to all PHP pages you want to track also the file where you added the <?php include "path/statit.php3" ?> NEW NEW NEW
A http:// in path don't work!!!
d) Create a sub-directory (e.g. stat)
e) Chmod sub-directory to 733
f) Upload the files from dir normal to sub-directory (image files in BINARY mode, other files in ASCII mode)
g) Chmod log files to 733
h) If you update from older version run update.php3 to change file format in stat.log!
i) Run statistik.php3 to show statistic of your website!

2. You have your files on a server without PHP support but you have another server with PHP support.

a) Edit in dir simple, if needed (other languages in dir /languages)
You work with frames or you work without frames.

2.1. You work with frames.

a) Add

<script language="javascript">
document.write("<img width=1 height=1 border=0 src=http://your PHP server/statitjs.php3?1,"+screen.width+","+screen.colorDepth+","+top.document.referrer+">");

to one of your frame pages (not the file included the frame set e.g. index.html! This doesn't work!!)
ATTENTION !! The script will count only referers, a direct input or a bookmark will not be counted, i don't know why!
b) Create a sub-directory (e.g. stat)
c) Chmod sub-directory to 733
d) Upload the files from dir simple to sub-directory (image files in BINARY mode, other files in ASCII mode)
e) Chmod log files to 733
f) If you update from older version run update.php3 to change file format in stat.log!
g) Run statistik.php3 to show statistic of your website!

2.2. You work without frames.

a) Add

<script language="javascript">
document.write("<img width=1 height=1 border=0 src=http://your PHP server/statitjs.php3?1,"+screen.width+","+screen.colorDepth+","+document.referrer+">");

to the start page (e.g. index.html)
b) Create a sub-directory (e.g. stat)
c) Chmod sub-directory to 733
d) Upload the files from dir simple to sub-directory (image files in BINARY mode, other files in ASCII mode)
e) Chmod log files to 733
f) If you update from older version run update.php3 to change file format in stat.log!
g) Run statistik.php3 to show statistic of your website!

Helge Orthmann