############################################################ # StatIt # ############################################################ # by Helge Orthmann # # Contact: otter@otterware.de # # Homepage: http://www.otterware.de # ############################################################ StatIt contains the following files: 1) readme.txt - this file 2) normal/statit.php3 - script to collect data 3) normal/statitjs.php3 - script to collect java script data 4) normal/statitp.php3 - script to count webhits 5) normal/statistik.php3 - script to show data 6) normal/domain.log - log file for referer domains 7) normal/last.log - log file for the last 20 visitors 8) normal/stat.log - log file for the other stuff (only one line) 9) normal/pages.log - log file for the counter of your website 10) normal/country.log - log file for countries (tlds) 11) normal/_config.inc - config file (german) 12) normal/_short.inc - config file for log files and $statp 13) normal/_tld.inc - top level domains 14) normal/v.gif - gif file for the bars 15) normal/w.gif - gif file for the bars 16) normal/grund.gif - gif file for background 17) normal/update.php3 - only for users to update from older version 18) normal/pics/0 - 9.gif - pics for visible counter 19) simple/statitjs.php3 - script to collect data 20) simple/statistik.php3 - script to show data 21) simple/domain.log - log file for referer domains 22) simple/last.log - log file for the last 20 visitors 23) simple/stat.log - log file for the other stuff (only one line) 24) simple/country.log - log file for countries (tlds) 25) simple/_config.inc - config file (german) 26) simple/_short.inc - config file for log files 27) simple/_tld.inc - top level domains 28) simple/v.gif - gif file for the bars 29) simple/w.gif - gif file for the bars 30) simple/grund.gif - gif file for background 31) simple/update.php3 - only for users to update from older version 32) test.html - HTML-file to show how StatIt works (actual version) 33) StatIt.html - HTML-file with installation notes 34) licence.txt - GNU licence 35) language/eng_config.inc - english config file 36) language/nl_config.inc - dutch config file (thanxs to Richard Warmenhoven) 37) language/pt-br_config.inc - brazilian portuguese config file (thanxs to Alvaro Reguly and Emerson Pellis) 38) language/dk_config.inc - danish config file (thanxs to Lars Christensen) 39) language/es_confic.inc - spanish config file (thanxs to David Asin Sanchez) 40) language/fr_config.inc - french config file ########################################################################### Introduction: StatIt is a script written in PHP. It is a web page logger that keeps track of visitor count and other information such as system, browser, referal domains, screen resolution, color etc. A web-based statistics page is available. StatIt is Freeware! You can change the code if you want! But never change or delete the header in the files!! Read the license.txt! ########################################################################### Installation: see StatIt.html ########################################################################### File format: stat.log: 110 values separated by , (only one line) 00 - 23 hour 24 - 35 month 36 - 66 day 67 - 73 work day 74 - 79 screen resolution 74 640 75 800 76 1024 77 1152 78 1280 79 other 80 - 85 screen color 80 4 bit 81 8 bit 82 16 bit 83 24 bit 84 32 bit 85 other 86 na 87 - 93 Browser 87 MSIE 88 Netscape 89 Opera 90 Konqueror 91 Lynx 92 Links 93 other 94 - 99 na 100 - 106 System 100 Windows 101 Linux 102 Macintosh 103 SunOS 104 FreeBSD 105 IRIX 106 other 107 -108 na 109 total visitors ---------- domain.log: 2 values, each line separated by , (open end) 0 count referer domain 1 referer domain ---------- pages.log: 2 values, each line separated by , (max n lines, where n is the number of your websites) count only one month, then reset!! 0 count website 1 website ---------- last.log: 7 values, each line separated by , (max 20 lines) 0 time (d.m. h:m) 1 IP address 2 hostname 3 country 4 browser 5 system 6 referer ---------- country.log 2 values, each line separated by , (max 268) 0 count country 1 country ########################################################################### Version history: 2.1 13.01.2001 - add visible graphical counter in normal mode - remove page count code from normal/statit.php3 (ATTENTION: Read StatIt.html) - add complete list for referer domains, origin of visitors and website calls - some little fixes 2.0c 09.01.2001 - _config.inc in other languages are fixed - sort function in /normal/statit.php work now - tlds in upper cases will be recognized correct 2.0b 07.01.2001 - replace fgetcsv with fgets (now all functions PHP3 i hope) - fix bug with last.log (in some cases it will be greater than 20 lines) 2.0a 04.01.2001 - remove bug in statistic (origin of visitors - territory) - add some tlds in _tld.inc - some fixes 2.0 03.01.2001 - some fixes - new file format for stat.log (now 110 values) - add file sizes of logfiles, total visitors, prediction of daily visitors and the origin of visitors to statistic - some changes in _config.inc and _short.inc 1.9c 27.12.2000 - french _config.inc available - add percentage and bars to referers and page hits - some fixes 1.9b 22.12.2000 - remove bug in auth function 1.9a 21.12.2000 - better recognition of browser - spanish _config.inc available - remove bug with wrong referers (now correct linked) 1.9 19.12.2000 - remove little bug (recognition of colors) - add help file - add simple version of script for people who have only a free PHP server account 1.8b 14.12.2000 - little changes in statit.php3 (better recognition of system and screen resolution and color) - danish _config.inc available 1.8a 12.12.2000 - little change in _config.inc and _short.inc (The Version Number is now in _short.inc) - _config.inc in english, dutch and brazilian portuguese available - new file format for stat.log (now 107 values) - add 24 bit to colors and Links to browser 1.8 09.12.2000 - new file format for stat.log (now 98 values) - add FreeBSD and IRIX to system and Konqueror and Lynx to browser - remove arsort bug (error message if domain.log or pages.log were empty) 1.7e 07.12.2000 - set the path declarations to absolut path declarations - remove special characters from HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE 1.7d 05.12.2000 - remove the divide to null bug 1.7c 04.12.2000 - little changes (HTML Code is now better) 1.7b 03.12.2000 - the sort bug is removed 1.7a 03.12.2000 - changes _files.inc to _short.inc (add $statp in _short.inc) - the sort bug is still alive (2 > 10, 3 > 20 ...) if anyone know a solution please mail me! 1.7 03.12.2000 - the Netscape browser will be better recognized - little change the command in calling page (see installation) for the Netscape users (width and height set to 1) - remove bug (domain.log - new line error) - add webpage count 1.6 02.12.2000 - replace array_multisort (PHP4) with PHP3 function - add short info to statistic 1.5 01.12.2000 - add screen resolution and color to statistic - new file format for stat.log (now 94 values) - new command in calling page (see installation) - remove bug (remove comma from HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE) - remove bug (work days count false) 1.4a 30.11.2000 - remove a big bug that came with the date function (i used the leaving zero but an array don't work with it) 1.4 29.11.2000 - add HTTP auth - top referers are links now - little changes in _config.inc 1.3 28.11.2000 - add work days (language) in _config.inc - remove german language from statit.php3 - little change in statit.php3 and statistik.php3 (domain.log now only 2 values) 1.2 27.11.2000 - replace localtime (PHP4) with date (PHP3) - the work days begin now with Sunday (before change with Monday) 1.1 27.11.2000 - little changes in statistik.php3 for Netscape users - add percentage 1.0 23.11.2000 - first release